Fight Fashion Fund

 “Fight Fashion Fund” designer, sponsored by PARCO, has been chosen for 2013.


Jun Okamoto, the owner and designer for “Wallflower bu jun okamoto” in Kumamoto and another store in Shibuya. This fund is used to support first time fashion designers get their own business going, or in Jun’s case, to keep it going.  About 30,000 yen is given to the winner in an effort to help them launch their dreams. Jun’s designs are said to be “poetic and ennui”, and both the men’s and woman’s line is done in “innocent, soft color with feminine details”. Jun will be participating in the Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week TOKYO for the first time.

“Fashion Week” is held twice a year in cities around the world (Paris, Milan, London, New York, and Tokyo) and is used to unveil the years latest fashion collections. Tokyo’s fashion week will be centered at Shibuya Hikarie and Mercedes-Benze Connection in Roppongi.


Check out more the Jun’s fashions here:

Fashion Advisory? Or Amazing Marketing Ploy?


This “fashion trend” has to be one of the most amazing marketing ploys I’ve ever seen. Recent articles in MSN and Buzzfeed are declaring that “Wearing Women’s Panties On Your Face Is All The Rage in Japan”.



This faux fashion trend is actually a product of marketing for the new movie Hentai Kamen,but people around the world are believing this to be an actual fashion trend of Japan. This newly discovered ‘trend’ is being re-blogged over and over, despite the fact it is a tongue-in-cheek ploy for movie marketing. Beware of the trends you find online, because apparently it’s difficult for people to determine fashion from marketing. As diverse and innovative as Japan may be, this is not something they’ll be embracing any time soon. 

Check out the root of this strange rumor below:

Lolita Fashion Hits Mexico!


To be honest my understanding of Lolita fashion was regretfully limited.So after our class discussion on Lolita vs Cosplay, I decided to check out what the internet had to say and found some articles I found vastly more interesting. Lolita, specifically Gothic Lolita apparently, has hit Mexico. They have certainly embraced the look with both arms, and several Lolita clubs have formed. This has even caught the eye of La Carmina, a rather famous fashion blogger, who remarked, “”The intention of Lolita fashion is for women to wear what makes them feel beautiful and dress for their own happiness, not for the approval of the opposite sex.”…”There’s a whole feeling of fantasy when you’re wearing these clothes. It’s that feeling of beauty that these girls are after.” According to La Carmina, the popularity of Gothic Lolita style in Mexico is partly due to the proliferation of anime, manga and translated Japanese cartoons which have attracted followers around the globe.

Members of the Lolitas Paradise club in Monterrey, Mexico

